Register your skills?

View the My Skill List from the account page.


  • At first, nothing is registered, so click the "+" button in the lower right corner to register your skills.
  • First, let's set up categories and subcategories
    (You can change it later, so don't hesitate!)
  • Self-promotion?

  • We believe that self-promotion is important to promote your skills as well as yourself.
    • What do you gain from consulting with us?
    • The background and achievements of how the skills were acquired.
    • Showing off your communication and listening skills.
    • Readability of the text
Let's create a PR that suits you.


There is also a strategy for commissions.

  • First, we need to get to know you.
  • And to do that, we need to have a conversation.
  • In other words, one possible strategy is to divide the same skill into free and paid.
  • For example.
    • Convenient use of Facebook (free calls)
    • Business use of Facebook page (20 pts/min)

Skill photo is displayed

The images are like Youtube thumbnail images.
Upon registration, a screen for registering skill images will appear.
If you are a youtuber, it's easy.
If not, please refer to Youtube to create your own.

Not sure what skills to register?

Now let's look at an example

Can tell fortune in as 10 minutes

In my 20 years of experience as an appraiser, I have solved many people's problems and consultations.
I will respond to your requests

We can help you with any math problems

We will do our best to help you solve your problems!
This is a service that is used by the following people

Support for those who want to lose 10kg or more.

For those who really want to lose weight, improve their beauty, and improve their postpartum constitution
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